Rimsko carstvo

Senatus Populusque Romanus - Senat i rimski narod
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Članovi saveza SPQR: -God-Of-War-; -Leonida-; -Lugus-; Analgetik; Antun; batica; BORIS VELIKI; buca; Crna Pantera72; crni; danyX T-72; DareDevil; davor_zg; Djokica; dougi; fagi4; fico2; Fosil; Gattuso; gotik; Ice; Jamajkanac; janošik; kiki75; Leon M; M4Ki; malesevic; Marcho; mare72; mario krtić; martini; Medowix; Najchy; natali_; Natassa; Pela; roki_balboa; shadowlord; spoki; tebra; The president; Tribonian: Turopoljac; valko; vrc vrc T-72; Witch_King; yasmina-: Zelja; špiroman

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